Better Solutions | Better Farming

Cover Crops
Better Solutions | Better Farming

How Does it Work?

Utilizing a cover crop can improve soil health, manage erosion, enhance nutrient cycling, and suppress weeds between main crop cycles. High-clearance drones can interseed cover crops into standing corn or soybeans.


When to Plant:

  • R6 to R7 to establish cover crops before soybean canopy opens, ensuring they get enough light after leaf drop.

Common Cover Crops:

  • Cereal Rye: Excellent winter hardiness and weed suppression.

  • Annual Ryegrass: Rapid establishment and good nitrogen scavenging.

  • Radish or Turnips: Breaks up soil compaction but will winterkill.


When to Plant:

  • V4 to V6 for shade-tolerant species like annual ryegrass, clover, or radishes.

  • R5 to R6 for fast-growing species like cereal rye, oats, or winter wheat.

Common Cover Crops:

  • Legumes (e.g., clover, vetch) - Fix nitrogen in the soil.

  • Grasses (e.g., rye, oats) - Prevent erosion and improve soil structure.

  • Brassicas (e.g., radishes, turnips) - Break up soil compaction and scavenge nutrients.


  • Soil Health: Increases organic matter and enhances soil structure.

  • Nutrient Management: Fixes nitrogen (legumes) and reduces nutrient leaching.

  • Erosion Control: Protects soil from wind and water erosion.

  • Weed Suppression: Outcompetes weeds for light and nutrients.

  • Pest and Disease Management: Breaks pest and disease cycle by diversifying crop rotation.